Thursday, March 8, 2012


During one of our timed midterms (COMBOT), we have 1 minute to answer each question.  Obviously, some questions take about 5 seconds to answer, so you gotta find ways to entertain  yourself.

This is what I did.
M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E!  Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck!)

Of course, that took all of 30 seconds, so it didn't kill that much time, but I wonder how long Mickey will go unnoticed by the janitorial staff. heheh.

He's guaranteed to stick around as long as I'm sitting there to re-draw him in if he ever gets erased.  So after 2013, we'll see how long he lasts! Seat P5 in Sim Lab.  hehe. =)

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